Last night, I was thumbing through one of my copies of Patrick Gavin Duffy's "The Standard Bartenders Guide" when I came across an entry for the Ojen Cocktail. Intrigued, and never having heard of Ojen before, I started poking around the internet to find out more about Ojen. Ojen is an anise liqueur from a mountainous region of Spain. Lacking a true bottle of Ojen, but having a bottle of anis escarchado from neighboring Portugal in my liquor cabinet, I attempted to recreate this cocktail. Its a lovely shade of pink, and definitely has a pronounced anise flavor, but the Peychauds bitters add some interesting notes on the finish of this cocktail. I wouldn't drink this regularly, but it was a nice change and I always enjoy something a little different.
1 drink Ojen (I used 3 oz of anis escarchado in its place)
2 dashes of Peychauds bitters
Shake well with cracked ice and strain
Ojen was a common liqeuer in New Orleans in the early to mid-20th Century. There was always a bottle on the side board in New Orleans dining rooms. It is currently bottled by Manuel Fernandez, S.A. under the "White Label" and sold only through Martin Brother Wine in New Orleans. I was born and reared there, and my husband's family as well as mine have been in New Orleans since the early 1800s. I miss the old New Orleans customs.
I had beencheap D3 items born in addition to reared presently there, and the partner's family in addition to acquire come in Fresh Orleans because the earlier Nineteenth century. I overlook the old Completely newGW2 items Orleans customs.
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